Futbol: Últimas noticias de Hoy

How to Succeed Without Extraordinary Talents

«When Boise State Football Team gets on the field, they know why they are there and what they have to do to succeed.» This was said by a former BSU Football coach as we discussed the presentations I had given to his deeply talented team compared to teams in the Western Athletic Conference (WAC).

One clarification, talent has its place in life and people who are talented and use their talents well do succeed in extraordinary ways. What I want to make clear is that you can succeed in what you do even if you don’t have talents.

I had given numerous motivational speeches and training sessions for both players and coaches at BSU since 1998. After the above statement, I started paying attention to the key aspects of individuals that required no talent, but lead to enormous success in professional and personal endeavors.

My involvement with BSU Football has been one of the greatest experiences in life. Why would it not be for a Kenyan who comes to the USA with zero football knowledge, then reads about it in newspapers and asks a coach to let him speak to the team about winning, focus, teamwork, staying away from drugs and other destructive off the field activities? Today, I am probably the only human being with several coaches’ uniforms (from several schools) for a sport I had no clue how it was played when my first speaking to the BSU Team. Allow me to add that in 2003, after the team won several conference championships and bowl games; I was honored by being selected as their Grand Marshall for the Homecoming game.

What, however, intrigues me is the performance level of the BSU Football Team, year after year. The WAC teams don’t have deep pockets to compete for talents against upscale football teams. But Boise State football players have what individuals need to succeed in life even if they don’t have noticeable talents.

1. Passion to learn. In 2002, the team had just won the conference championship when one of the players said, «Even champions can get better» as they prepared for a bowl game. The players in this team are teachable. You stand in front, and you can see and feel how they are sucking in every bit of wisdom or practical tip you share. You don’t need talents to be teachable. What you need is desire to learn and discipline to apply learned information.

2. Ability to learn from all available sources. How many coaches out there would risk having someone who had no clue how football is played speak to their team? «Even though you never played football, your understanding of how a team must function as one to be successful is amazingly accurate» wrote Dirk Koetter, Arizona State football head coach after one of my presentations. The tips you need for something that is dear to you may come from unexpected sources.

3. Invest in growth. When last did you attend a seminar or read a book that was not required for your job? When last did you take someone you want to learn from out for breakfast or dinner? In football, time matters in a huge way. To have someone come speak for an hour is a huge investment. You need to invest in your mental, physical and spiritual growth.

4. Self-initiative. This comes with extra trimmings…responsibility for one’s choices, decisions and actions, and putting a plan together for achieving one’s goals. You would be impressed to see young men, in their late teens and early twenties doing what needs to be done without being asked to. No talent is ever needed to be self motivated and doing what needs to be done before one is asked.

5. Flexibility. What talent does one need to change? Some of the players had excelled in certain positions while in high school. However, for their own growth and the team’s success, they learn knew skills for different positions. Change is the currency that will buy you a portion of the future in a world that is changing faster than ever before. No talent needed.

6. Courage to try. I worked with the team several times before I learned who was who and how they had joined the team. Brock Forsey, an outstanding player was a walk-on-a player who was not recruited and had no scholarship but the coaches allows him to join the team after they watch a demo video. Brock was one of the best players the school has ever had. Millions never live up have to their potential because they lack the courage to walk-on into potential opportunities.

7. Steering away from distractions. There is no talent needed to stay away from habits and activities that take your focus and efforts from what you love. This starts with the associates you keep. To succeed you need to have people around you who are positively investing in their own futures.

8. Persistence. Our last child’s name is persistence. No talent, education, money or family connections are needed for one to be persistent. Is your goal important to you? Does is help you live a better life? Then why quit?

9. Be humble. While I have seen these players in team meetings, I rarely recognize then when they come to the classes I teach at BSU. They just blend in with other students. Humility requires no talent.

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Futbol: Últimas noticias de Hoy

The Strange Tale of the Jules Rimet Trophy

The golden trophy that is awarded to the eventual winners of every FIFA World Cup tournament is the most prized award in soccer. But the trophy that will be awarded to whatever team eventually is victorious in South Africa in 2010 will not be lifting the original trophy, first awarded in 1930, but instead a replacement that has been in use since the original, the Jules Rimet trophy, was awarded in perpetuity to Brazil in 1970, in recognition of their third World Cup Victory.But the story behind the fate of the Jules Rimet trophy is a far stranger one than you might imagine.

The trophy itself was first created for the first World Cup in Uruguay in 1930. At that time it was officially known as the «Victory», it was not until 1946 that it was renamed for man whose vision had beget the competition in first place. It was a true work of art. Designed by Abel Lafleur, its blue lapis base held a solid gold representation of the goddess Nike, the ancient Greek patron of victory.

In January of 1966 the Jules Rimet trophy made its way to London, so it could be displayed prior to the World Cup, scheduled to take place in England later that year. The trophy was placed under the care of the English Football Association, who kept it at their headquarters in Lancaster Gate, showing it publicly only on a few, well organized occasions.

In February however the Stanley Gibbons Stamp Company requested permission from the FA to «borrow» the trophy, to be used as the central attraction for their Stampex exhibition the following month. The company promised that it would be well guarded and it was covered by a $30,000 insurance policy, even though it was only valued at $3,000.

In March the exhibition opened in the Central Hall in Westminster. Two guards were employed to stand near the trophy day and night, joined by two plainclothes policeman during the day. But still, it was later admitted that none had their eyes on the prized cup at every moment.

On Sunday 20th March the security guards making their noon inspection discovered that the cabinet that held the Jules Rimet trophy had been pried open and the prize was gone.

Scotland Yard took over the investigation immediately but early leads fell flat. Then on Monday March 21st, the chairman of the FA, Joe Mears, received an anonymous phone call at his office. The caller stated that Mears could expect delivery of a package, addressed to him, to Chelsea football club the next day.

But the package actually arrived at Mears’ home. It contained the removable lining from the Jules Rimet trophy and a note demanding fifteen thousand pounds in small bills. The note further instructed the FA to place a coded advertisement in the personals column of The Evening News. If they followed subsequent demands, the note continued, they would have the trophy back by Friday.

The events of the following days resemble something out of an old gangster movie. Mears contacted Scotland Yard who began to put a plan into place. Bundles of counterfeit cash were created and two officers were assigned to be with Mears at all times. In the meantime he was sent home to wait for another telephone call.

When the phone call did finally come the terrified Mears was in the throes of an asthma attack. His wife handed the phone to his assistant McPhee (who in real life was Detective Inspector Buggy). «McPhee» was instructed to proceed, cash in hand, to the nearby Battersea Park.

Buggy proceeded, shadowed by a number of Flying Squad colleagues in unmarked cars. At the gate he met up with a «Mr. Jackson» Buggy showed the man the suitcase, and he failed to notice that the currency was counterfeit. Buggy demanded to see the trophy before he handed over the money. Jackson agreed, stepping into Buggy’s car promising to lead him to the trophy.

Somewhere along the way «Jackson» realized that they were being followed and became nervous. He instructed Buggy to stop at the next traffic light so that he could go and retrieve the trophy from its hiding place. After he exited the car, he fled. Buggy pursued him and eventually found him hiding in a private garden. At the police station he was identified as Edward Betchley, a local car dealer and petty thief. He was charged with the theft and the subsequent extortion attempt but the Jules Rimet trophy was still missing.

On March 27th a local man, David Corbett and his dog Pickles were walking in the Beulah Hill area of South London, as was their custom. The dog discovered a package, wrapped crudely in newspaper. Corbett opened it and recognized its contents immediately. He turned the Jules Rimet World Cup trophy into the local Gypsy Hill police station immediately. Your browser may not support display of this image.

Although initially under suspicion, Corbett had an iron clad alibi for the time of the theft and after FA officials positively identified the trophy as genuine, the news of its recovery was released and Pickles found himself hailed a national hero.

Corbett received a $12,000 reward and Pickles even went on to have brief career in movies. In the summer of 1966 England won the World Cup, so the Jules Rimet trophy remained, hidden away, in England for another year. A replica was created immediately after the recovery of the original to be displayed for public purposes.

In 1970, per the man himself’s instructions 40 years earlier, when Brazil triumphed in the competition he conceived for the third time they were awarded the Jules Rimet trophy to keep. A brand new trophy was created to be awarded to future victors. Your browser may not support display of this image.

In 1983 the Jules Rimet cup was stolen once more, and has never been found. Investigators believe it was melted down for its gold value immediately, and Pickles the dog was no longer around to help them look for it.

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Futbol: Últimas noticias de Hoy

?Rumores y Fichajes Oficiales Liga MX | Noticias Futbol Mexicano 2021

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Futbol: Últimas noticias de Hoy

Grumpy Old Greats

Two summers ago, LeBron James took a lot of well-deserved flack for the manner in which he left his former team and everybody had an opinion. When the smoke finally clears, the 27-year-old business mastermind will have the last laugh (rings included) but right now, all the basketball legends are too proud to admit it.

Let the deep analysis begin!

Just like any other the sport, the NBA too is a business! I won’t even respond to Charles Barkley, the failed ring chaser. As for Michael Jordan, he’s just mad because the ripe LeBron James that we’ve all seen for the last few years is better than he was individually. «The Decision» was yet another selfish and childish televised stunt by James et. al, but former St. Louis Cardinals’ free agent Albert Pujols couldn’t have generated that much worldwide buzz from a self-limiting sport like baseball even if he would have summoned the young «soul» of Muhammad Ali! I’ll repeat it. James is better than Jordan individually at this stage in his career. That’s not an opinion, that’s a fact! Now, young James has positioned himself with a vintage Bulls-like team/dynasty in hopes to surpass Jordan’s feat of 6 rings and consequentially, M.J. has become player hater #1 along with all of his worshipers and the ever-jock-riding media. As one article noted, Jordan mentioned that his supportive words in regards to athletes remaining on one team in their prime years are in hindsight, but isn’t that always the easiest time to make definitive statements especially when things go well? Too bad he can’t make the same bold «I would never change the way I did it» statements in regards to his surly Hall of Fame induction speech.

Now I understand that most basketball fans (namely those whose favorite team lost out in the 2010 free agency extravaganza ) want to have a more balanced league like what we assume to be an equal opportunity team building league like the NFL. However, basketball is a different game/league/business entirely! First off, 11-on-11 (with a deep bench and three teams in one) leaves a lot more leeway for fringe players to start in games, but 5-on-5 leaves very little relative margin for error. In basketball, it is wise to get a beefy starting roster A.S.A.P. because each player means a lot more than each guy means in football with the exception of HOF QB’s which are truly scarce. Besides, when are free agent opportunities ever gonna get better than what we saw in the NBA summer of 2010? The recent Chris Paul to L.A. deal was done via trades as was last year’s «Melo Drama» which landed Carmelo Anthony in New York. The free agent show that we saw in 2010 will probably never happen again. I hope you enjoyed it. I sure did.

However, in regards to our beloved sport of football, let’s look at what the dynasties of the 90’s did. Players like Charles Haley and Deion Sanders went from one team to the other to try to get (more) rings. Haley and Sanders were in good situations on both of their teams, the 49ers and the Cowboys, but they switched whenever it became convenient. In the early 2000’s, the Patriots always picked up savvy free agents STARS who always proved to be key contributors e.g. Corey Dillon, Randy Moss, Adalius Thomas, etc. Heck let’s even take the time to mention their biggest surprise to us all, WR Wes Welker who emerged to become the next Ricky Proehl but a whole lot better. Do I need to start talking about travel merchant free agent Bret Favre now?

What’s the point that I’m trying to make to all of the haters? It is proven that the rich in talent (and often in top market city) usually get richer regardless of the (major) sport/business. The days of harvesting young talent WITHOUT bringing in marquee free agents are over unless you’re F.C. Barcelona and they even buy big name guys every now and then. In the NFL, they can cut you, dishonor the contract, and go out and buy another guy to strengthen their team. Tracy McGrady, Greg Oden, Yao Ming, and Shaquille O’neal would’ve never lasted in a league with those rules. The NFL is cut throat and not having to fulfill players contracts allows teams to build and destroy on a whim. The top NFL teams always exhaust this policy so that they can clear space for free agents who are more than willing to join them on a ring hunt. Quite honestly, if we look at it rationally, it’s not as «fair and even» across the 30+ NFL team league as people make it out to be. Unfortunately, that’s how big business is and always will be.

I’ll give you a quick quip about baseball that most of you are already aware of. The Florida Marlins, the Arizona Diamondbacks, and the St. Louis Cardinals have all won the World Series within the last decade and for baseball, these places are «poor» markets. Market value is relative to each respective sport, and not merely prized by a state’s economy, geography or demographic makeup. The Yankees however, have only managed to win one championship at the turn of the century and another one two years ago. Don’t they spend cash like kids do in monopoly and aren’t they in the world’s biggest market? At the end of the day, no matter how good a team’s resources may be, it’s all about team chemistry with real talent of course.

In regards to LeBron’s legacy, Michael, Larry, Magic, Russel, Kobe, etc. all had at least ONE other bona fide hall of famer on their squad. Until now, LeBron James had not played with even the likes of a Kukoc or a Rodman in their prime! Here’s a quick fact that you may already know. During the first season after Jordan retired, the fantastic 55-win Bulls made it to the playoffs and they went pretty deep. If it wasn’t for a highly controversial call by referee Hugh Hollins during the closing moments of a game 7 in the Bulls-Knicks series (subsequently, the Bulls lost 93-94), who knows what would have happened? The Bulls went deep into those playoffs but they might have made it to the NBA finals (and even won) without Mike. Let’s face it. All of the legendary teams no matter how dominant their rosters looked on paper have always needed luck to be on their side. However, those Bulls were not so fortunate because of a ref’s call. What’s my point. Phil Jackson’s Chicago Bulls were a team rich with talent and Scottie Pippen and the rest of the Bulls key role players were a lot better than what the silly Jordan-worshiping sports writers have given them credit for. Take back-to-back 60+ regular season winning, two-time league MVP trophy holding, multiple NBA Finals reaching, Detroit Pistons defensive dynasty destroying LeBron James off the Cavs and see how they do? The moment of truth for the Cleveland Cavaliers came last season but we didn’t need an NBA «prophet» like Stephen A. Smith to predict that out come. Even Cleveland’s Plain Dealer Chris Broussard should have seen it coming.

In response to The Decision «hurting his brand», LeBron isn’t going to lose a dollar that he won’t make back if/when he starts winning championships. Right now, LeBron is even making extra money for the league because his uniform is the #1 A-shirt in demand.

As for credibility, let us first examine the legacy of Mr. Bean. Kobe’s first three rings weren’t done Kobe’s way. Shaq was the true NBA Finals MVP three years in a row without argument. People need to re-check the stats if they’ve forgotten how much of a beast he was during that stretch of dominance and good fortune. Kobe had a 5-week ankle injury and failed to make it to the playoffs in his first year without Shaq (but he still had Butler, Odom, and Grant), and in later years when he made it to the postseason, he couldn’t get out of the first round if his life depended on it. In 2006, he helped the Lakers to go up 3-1 against the Stoudemire-less Suns but his team still lost in seven games! In game 5 of the Boston-Cleveland 2010 playoff series, LeBron quit for sure, but in GAME 7 of the 2006 Lakers-Suns series, Kobe chose to quit right after halftime and he sat out for most of the fourth quarter including the tail end. However, that wasn’t the first time he called it quits. I remember him acting like a baby back in the Shaq/glory days when Phil Jackson and his teammates asked him to shoot less, so the little brat decided not to shoot at all in the first half of a playoff game against the Sacramento Kings. By halftime Kobe «Brat» Bryant had 0 FGA attempts and I’m sure that this is not what Coach Jackson and his teammates meant by «be more of a facilitator» and «don’t take stupid shots». This guy is rotten so I’m not gonna slay LeBron for taking a night off. Two wrongs don’t make a right therefore, it should be said that Kobe and LeBron have both tainted their «want to be like Mike legacies» mainly because they’ve left us questioning one thing that should be never questioned by anyone who is pursuing peer approval for «The Greatest of All-Time» status: HEART. When you look at a guy like Dwyane Wade, his heart has never come into question. Yes Wade’s team only won 15 games one year but Wade and Shaq missed 70+ games that year, so what would one expect? Yes Wade’s team was swept by the Bulls in the playoffs one year, but Wade and Shaq battled injuries that entire year and Wade returned from the I.R. to play even though he was less than 50%. Is Wade the G.O.A.T.? No, but he truly has the heart of a real champion. Summer of ’06 anyone? Moreover, Wade still has a legend’s legacy to live up to and that’s all the motivation he needs.

Kobe never had to carry a weak franchise from day one. He was in a great system and then he was doubly blessed when Phil Jackson came along to utilize the potential of the superstar Lakers’ squad. When that situation dried up, Kobe foolishly demanded that Bynum should be traded so that the Lakers could acquire a guy like old man Jason Kidd. The Lakers ignored Bryant’s demands even after he pulled his «testing the waters stunt» as he made rounds to Chicago and threatened to go to the L.A. Clippers if the Lakers didn’t get him a player he asked for. In just a few self-inflicted years of being placed in the daily struggles of LeBron’s seven-year Cleveland roster situation, Kobe nearly lost his mind! LeBron easily beats this clown when it comes to dealing with sub-par roster adversity. Kobe never asked for Pau Gasol, but ex-Laker legend and expiring Memphis Grizzlies GM Jerry West seemingly gifted the Lakers Gasol for you know who. The man who bears my namesake. This was the greatest heist in NBA history! The Celtics move sparked by «Minnesota» Mchale wasn’t even this shady. Immediately, the Lakers became contenders and they can thank Jerry West, Mitch Kupchak, the return of Phil Jackson, and Pau Gasol for that. Collectively, these men were the Lakers true 2010 regular season and NBA Finals’ MVPS. If anybody believes that Kidd would have been more instrumental to the Lakers’ success than what the effect of Gasol has been, then they’re smoking crack rocks. Gasol was called soft just as many have called Chris Bosh soft and he was on a team where nobody mentioned his name much or televised his games. However, it must be proclaimed that Pau Gasol is the reason why the Lakers had a great three-year-run and he’s still putting up his unseen Memphis Grizzlies’ numbers. Bynum dies out every year with injury, Odom has never been consistent in the postseason and now he’s gone, but soft, weak, and UNDERRATED Pau Gasol has been the piece that Jason Kidd could have never been. About Kobe, it will always be said that he could never do it without a highly skilled big man in his prime. Who knows? At this rate Kobe might never win again and if it’s not Miami (with homecourt advantage on their side for sure) then Oklahoma City surely isn’t a team to shrug off.

Just one quick word about M.J. He too screamed that the Bulls needed to get other players because he couldn’t make it out of the first round after three tries. In 1988, a kid by the name of Scottie Pippen came along and Jordan demanded that veteran Brad Sellars should continue to start over Pippen but Doug Collins would hear none of it. In game 5 (the final and deciding game) against the Cavs, Collins started Pippen and Scottie went off that day scoring a (then) career-high 24 points (10 in the third quarter), to go along with six rebounds, five assists and three steals. Pippen played 39 minutes in the 107-101 victory. For the bigger travesty, do a Google search for an article titled: Jordan wanted Joe Wolf over Pippen or Horace Grant?

Note this fact! LeBron James made it to the NBA finals in 2007 virtually by himself! Allen Iverson got there too but Coach Larry Brown was key, Aaron Mckie was the 6th man of the year, and the 76ers’ defense was incredible that year thanks to Defensive Player of the Year Dikembe Mutombo. LeBron made it to the finals with a mediocre Eric Snow (not even top 10 among PG’s in league at the time) who did not show up in the playoffs, a young and injured 6th man named Daniel Gibson (he’s certainly not one of a kind), Larry Hughes (played his tail off for the Wizards alongside Arenas in a contract year and then went to Cleveland for lots of money and he lost all motivation), Drew Gooden (no explanation necessary), and the often injured Zydrunas Ilgauskas. Do I even need to mention their anemic bench?

LeBron is a beast! Three years ago, when the Orlando Magic surprised the Cleveland Cavaliers, make note of this: Mo Williams and Delonte West didn’t show up at all. Mo Williams’ sharp shooting was found wanting and his defense (as usual) was porous. Delonte’s playoff nightmare was even worse because he was asked to guard 6’10» Rashard Lewis which was an awful joke that in my opinion, raised the Sword of Damocles over the head of coach Mike Brown. Delonte’s offense against the Magic intensified his horrible playoff nightmare because he only knocked down 31.8% of his threes even though he had many wide open looks. Mo and Delonte are feasible over an 82 game regular season but one can’t expect them to carry the load in the playoffs when the best of the best square off. As for Antawn Jamison, he’s no Scottie Pippen and he played like he was slow and old against Boston. «What about the addition of Shaq?» will be the words of some when they’re reading about LeBron’s last Cavs squad 20 years from now as they’re scanning through the archives of Cleveland’s playoff roster(s). The proper answer: He was ring hunting worse than John Salley. He was the most useless shell of a superstar player that existed in the league in those day. Wade didn’t even have Kobe’s unstoppable Shaq and LeBron’s Shaq is not even worth mentioning. Players who are no longer in their prime are just famous names on a piece of paper.

LeBron James is the ultimate player and he’s never been in an optimal situation until now. I can’t beat this to death enough. LeBron is so great that Dan Gilbert felt compelled to cater to all of his desires as many have read but when one guy can do what Mike, Kobe, and Wade couldn’t do (get out of the first round consistently without a real hero on their side), you almost have to give him as much leeway as he asks for in this type of a quid pro quo industry. However, real owners and coaches don’t let any player’s input override their ultimate franchise plans. Jordan, Kobe, and screaming Wade (the latter over the last few offseasons basically asked Pat Riley and Micky Arison to get Amar’e, or Odom, or Boozer and only then would he extend his contract) have all been put in check by their respective team owners and GMs to some extent and it’s often proved to be the right move for the franchise.

Patience is a virtue and LeBron waited and «dictated» in Cleveland with a «free» pass for 7 long years. As rumor has it, Dumb Gilbert basically let LeBron hand pick his questionable free agent helpers, but even though this method didn’t amounted to a ring, LeBron had been spectacular in the postseason for 99.9% of the time in Cleveland and that’s undeniable. Now James is gone because he never promised to return (another fact) and dumb Dan fired a GM and coach, in a pitiful last-ditch effort to try to appease James. It’s foolish to be delusional and now Gilbert is reaping the benefits of a failed franchise. Before LeBron, no free agent wanted to go to Cleveland and after LeBron the situation remains the same. We can’t blame James for this. It’s just like James’ old high school but on a much bigger scale. He made you (Ohio) a bit more famous, but now he’s moved on and you didn’t even attempt to make an effort for a backup plan. Cleveland fans, deal with it. Your owner is a clown and Byron Scott is just working for you until Mike Brown gets ran out of L.A. when things fall apart if/when they fail to acquire Dwight Howard in a trade.

Now where was I. Oh yes, the NBA is a business. Two summers ago, Derek Fisher even flew down to Miami to check out the scenery but he re-signed with the Lakers after Kobe pleaded with him via text message calling him a «brother». However, we all know that Kobe is a fake snake, but since it’s a business, the defanged Black Mamba Bryant planned to meet face to face with his arch-enemy, Raja Bell (some have said they’ve patched things up over the years but I’m not buying that) to beg him to sign with L.A. His plan fell flat because Bell returned to his former team in the Mormon state but Kobe’s «I’m scared of Miami, I need a another guy (e.g. Artest) who won’t back down to even a superstar like myself on my team» cowardice was once again revealed!

So I hope that at the end of the day, everybody realizes that basketball is more than a kids game enjoyed by overpaid athletes and owners. Basketball is a real job/business where it’s about winning at all cost and the Miami Heat have clearly shown the world that they are committed to excellence. Good luck to John Wall, Ricky Rubio, and all the other up and coming kids. They’re going to have to wait a long time before they can get a crack at a ring.

Will Miami win this year? Kobe’s Lakers lost their first Finals bid with Pau Gasol, but they remained patient and went on to win two titles in a row in the immediate years that followed. History tends to repeat itself. Furthermore, I’ll be watching my favorite player/team intently and quite frankly, even if one of those guys goes down this year, they’ll still be a force to be reckoned with in the east. Oklahoma City, Chicago, and the L.A. Clippers are going to be fun to watch for some years to come but I can’t remember ever seeing a squad as delicious as the Miami Heat in my life. If the Heat stay healthy, go to the finals and win, who will most likely be the finals MVP? Who on the Heat can accumulate a sum total of more rebounds, blocks, steals, and assists than LeBron James night in and night out in the regular season or in the playoffs? Not even Wade, and James will never have a scoring average in the single digits unless he’s dropping an unheard of 18-20 assists for a stretch of nights which will still earn him high MVP praise! One can only dream but for James, the Rajon Rondo act is unnecessary. This is just something to joke about with those who are overly concerned with the extra post-season individual trinkets. Brace yourself. «Lob City East» or better put, «Showtime» has returned to the NBA and «Pat Riley» is once again at the helm in the reincarnated form of Erik Spoelstra leg-kick and all. To M.J., Charles, and all the other grumpy old men, «If you can’t stand the Heat, then please stay out of Miami»!!!

PS. Dwight Howard, please take notes! Chicago awaits its second Superman. Besides, your legacy depends on it. Or, perhaps we’ll see you in Dallas with Deron Williams and Dirk Nowitzki?! I’ll coin the phrase right now; «3-D in Big D». Now doesn’t that have a nice «RING» to it?

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Futbol: Últimas noticias de Hoy

Grassroots Football Development in Sapele From 1950-1980

Sapele is a city in southwestern Nigeria, located in Delta State. Sapele is situated at the headwaters of the Benin River, which flows out to the Niger Delta.

Football development in Sapele started in the 1950’s, when football was just at its infancy in Nigeria, and Sapele a town noted for excellence was at the fore front in football then. The then Sapele township stadium was among the first constructed stadium in Nigeria The desire to fully develop football at the grassroots level gave birth to the Sapele Amateur Football Association in 1987.

This was quickly followed by the staging of the inaugural Sapele Cup of Nations Competition in 1988. It was a competition that featured 16 teams from Sapele and environs. Some of the teams that participated at the inaugural Cup of Nations competition include: K.B Stars, Athletico De Marin, Ghana Black Stars and Loaders F.C.

The competition was put together by Mr. Gabriel Igarri and Mr. Dan Evumena. It is interesting to note that the inaugural Sapele Cup of Nations trophy was donated by Chief P.D.O Akpeki the Ugo of Okpe Kingdom. Going back to football development in Sapele, it is worthy of note to recall that in 1968, Nova Luna Football Club was formed. It was the first Youth club in Sapele. It was founded by Late Mr. Tony Okonedo who was then a Graded football referee. He also founded Ladies Football club that same year. After the formation of Nova Luna, came Niger Pools Football club in 1969. It was formed by the Niger Pools company.

It later metamorphosed into Strangers Football Club in 1969 which was formed by former players of Niger Pools F.C. Strangers Football club was then captained by Olayinka John( Ayogi) who died on the 7th of January 2010 after a protracted illness. The club existed for two and a half years.

In 1971, Ethiope F.C Sapele was formed and it gained prominence due to the caliber of players in its fold then. When it was rumored that the club will be leaving Sapele for a new base, the then Governor of Bendel State- Osaigbovo Ogbemudia took over the affairs of the club and re-named it New Nigeria Bank F.C, with its base in Sapele.

There were four State club in the then Bendel State

Ethiope Football Club (Later re-named New Nigeria Bank F.C Sapele)

Viper F.C Benin (Later re-named Bendel Insurance of Benin)

Ika Rangers F.C Agbor (Later re-named Midwest Line F.C)

Warri Wolves F.C Warri (Later re-named Midwest Line F.Cz)

These four clubs were later handed over to various companies by the then Bendel State Government.

In 1971/72, there was the eleven brothers F.C and Eleven Strikers F.C both based in Sapele.

Late Olayinka John (Ayogi) was the then coach of eleven brothers. The club produced the likes of German Odjegbe who was the then captain of Bendel U-17 football team that won Gold medal at the 1973 National Sports Festival. The club also produced Prince Afejukwu, Oshoff Shogbene, goalkeeper Nasiru Momoh, Samuel Afejukwu and Ighoraye Ogayone. Eleven Strikers F.C were then captained by Monday Daibo and the team had the likes of Andrew Boyo.

In 1973, Ethiope F.C later re-named New Nigeria Bank F.C left Sapele and in 1974, the team was then known as Custom and Exercise F.C. A bulk of players from Strangers F.C Sapele formed the Custom F.C which was then under the Custom and Exercise Department.

The team was then captained by inspirational defender Gabriel Igarri from 1975 to 1983. Within this period under review, there were other teams that sprang up in the Sapele metropolis. These include: Government Coastal Agency F.C – Founded in 1976, Seaboard F.C (Comprising Delta Packaging company, Life Flour Mills and Top feeds)- founded in 1977 and Palm Line Agency F.C- Founded in 1977. From these three teams, a joint team to represent Sapele was formed. It was then called Urhiapele F.C. Urhiapele F.C was founded in the 1985/1986 season. The club did not however last long due to administrative problems. They only played one friendly match against the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Football Club Warri.

There was also the Rainbow Football club which came into existence in 1980. The club which was then playing in the State League/ State Challenge Cup was sponsored by Chief Michael Ibru. One notable player that came out of the ranks of Rainbow F.C was Goalkeeper Andrew Aikhomogbe who later rose to prominence and represented the U-17 National team the Golden Eaglets at the FIFA U-17 Championship tagged Scotland 89.

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Futbol: Últimas noticias de Hoy

?DEFINIDO EL REPECHAJE de la Liga MX 2021 | Noticias futbol mexicano

DEFINIDO EL REPECHAJE de la Liga MX 2021 Noticias futbol mexicano
Jesús Bernal nos tiene las eliminatorias de repechaje dentro de la liga mx en el futbol mexicano.
Toluca vs Pumas, Monterrey vs Cruz Azul. Santos vs San Luis, Puebla vs chivas.
Los equipo que resulten ganadores irán a los cuartos de final del futbol mexicano.

#JesusBernal #LigaMX

Chaqueta España Himno 2019 2020 Roja Bienvenue sur Maillotparis! est la maison des fans de football en ligne.

Futbol: Últimas noticias de Hoy

Soccer Body Painting Ideas and Football Costumes

Are you searching for soccer body painting ideas and a painted football costume? If you have already searched to find a great body design, you may have noticed how many different photo galleries are available out there – both for male and female soccer costume ideas.

So whether you would like to take a look at the best body design ideas simply as a hobby in your spare time, or perhaps you would like to draw a creative soccer art on your body, you will find out some helpful ideas here in this free guide.

Why Body Painting is the New Trend as a Football Cheerleading Outfit?

For decades, it has been a motivational custom to support our favorite team by various means – from cheerleading dances, songs, waving the soccer team flag, or simply shouting supportive messages to them during the game.

So now in the 21st century, where young people are more innovative than ever, a new trend is setting into place: Soccer body painting.

You have already seen the typical old way of wearing the football team costume, when the football fans would like to support their team – especially in big important matches.

Now this new way of wearing a body or face painting art, adds a kick to it. Because it is more creative, more bold, and stands out from the rest of the crowd.

Now depending on how comfortable you are with the idea, you may paint on your skin with no clothes on. Or to dress more modestly, you can wear a white simple underwear and paint on top of it, so it almost looks like it is a part of your own skin.

Female and Male Body Art Ideas for Men and Women

When it comes to clothes, tattoo, and body and face paints, there are usually slightly different styles suitable for men, women, or children. So it is a wise idea to check out different designs based on your age and gender, to find the style that matches you the best.

For younger kids or teenagers, body arts are usually a fun way to celebrate a birthday, or as a part of a costume party. But for adult men and women, body painting is more like an art. A way to express a bold unique side of them through the body.

That is the reason female body paint styles are usually designed to appear more attractive, feminine, and focus on the unique curves of the body. To put it simply, body art designs for women are usually more sexy.

On the other hand, male body styles are focused on delivering a character message – like strength, power, or simply a good sense of humor. Superhero designs are common for men especially (e.g. Batman, Spiderman, Superman, etc.)

So hopefully the above mentioned tips helps you find your favorite body and face painting design more easily.

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Futbol: Últimas noticias de Hoy

Soccer Cleats: The Science of Performance

The history of the use of soccer cleats is less than a century old. Since then, it has gone through a meticulous development process of its own. Its ergonomic design advancements with ever-changing time has made it possible for the players to achieve explosive speeds while starting and stopping and to feel the ultimate traction during the game. There are game changing factors which depend on this vital piece of science, on its design, orientation, placement, material, etc. It has allowed the players to push their limits and increase their performance beyond its threshold. Now they are being fabricated and planned for extreme performance, so let’s have a look at some recent technical innovations aimed for maximum output in the field.


The game of soccer has shifted from the heavy, thick boots which required more physicality to more of a skills and speed game. It has moved away from providing protection to the players’ foot and more concerned for the player’s ease and efficient functionality. Modern soccer cleats feature robust and light-weight materials like plastic or metals like magnesium and steel.

Excellent Traction with intelligent cleat arrangement

Primarily, the player interacts with the ground or the surface on which they execute hence the soccer cleats must offer excellent traction to the player. The better the traction, it allows for enhanced acceleration and navigational control of the ball to the player. This demand for traction arose from varying weather and ground conditions. But, how are the manufacturers achieving the required traction, which improves the agility of the player? The answer lies in the design and placement of the studs.

Traditionally, the studs incorporate a circular design which has an upper diameter (the area closer to the sole) larger than the lower diameter (area closer to the point of contact to the ground). Recently, more comprehensive stud design includes angular, teeth like studs also known as blades, which are designed for firm grip in set positions.

Studs design and positioning

Nowadays, manufacturers can also tailor a player’s cleat according to their position on the field. The professional players playing forward, midfield and defense can get their soccer cleats custom tailored rendering to their spot on the field, be it natural or artificial. Thermo-Nylon studs are stiff, but lightweight and improves the agility by allowing the sudden thrust hence used by those who play forward, while Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) offers a steady and comfy stud, hence, proving appropriate for the defender.

The importance of positioning of studs comes into play because they are supposed to carry the weight of the player and transfer the load to the ground and hence the pressure at all the points must be uniform. For this, digital analysis is used by the companies, which also helps them to expedite the design process. The recent analysis data by Finite Element Method has shown that chevron shaped studs offer optimum take off speeds and multidirectional activities over the other designs. The soccer cleats are getting smaller as research shows that smaller the surface area, the better surface penetration and rapid discharge from the surface.

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Futbol: Últimas noticias de Hoy

Baron Davis Dunk or How to Increase Vertical Jump

Did you see Baron Davis’ dunk on Andrei Kirilenko in the last playoffs? What about the dunk on Jermaine O’Neil and the one over Thielo Green at UCLA?

Everyone who has seen these dunks knows that it’s impossible to forget them. But a lot of people also wonder how a guy who weighs about 220 pounds at 6′ 3″ can jump that high. One thing is clear: you must have very strong leg muscles to get that weight in the air!

So, it’s all about weight training. If you are more heavy like Baron it’s actually about Olympic weightlifting.

The most important benefit of Olympic weightlifting is it teaches the body to fire all the muscle fibers at once.

Different studies have proved the effectiveness of Olympic weightlifting. For example a group of lifters did various Olympic lifts (High pulls, Power Clean, and Clean and Jerk), and were compared to a group using vertical jump exercises (Single and Double Leg Hurdles Hops, Alternated Single-leg Hurdle Hops, etc). After the 8 weeks of training the Olympic weightlifting group had significantly increased their 10 meter sprint speed and their standing jump over the control group using standard vertical jump exercises (Tricoli, 2005).

Similarly a 15 week study was also performed using football players and compared a powerlifting program to an Olympic weightlifting program for athletic performance. After the 15 week study was over the Olympic weightlifting group had a significant improvement in the vertical jump and 40 meter sprint over the powerlifting group (Hoffman JR, 2004).

But can not only focus on weightlifting because as a jumper you also need to be quick. So you also need to work on your quickness. How do you train that?

Five sets of wind sprints (50 meters) three times a week are a very effective exercise.

Another excellent exercise is the jump rope. Jumping rope not only gives you explosiveness and calf strength but is also a great way to build stamina, and work on your overall leg strength. Jump rope at least three times per week.

For more tips and exercise details please visit the following site:

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Futbol: Últimas noticias de Hoy

?Rumores y Fichajes Liga MX | Noticias Futbol Mexicano 2021

Rumores y Fichajes Liga MX Noticias Futbol Mexicano 2021

Jesús Bernal nos tiene las últimas noticias en cuanto a rumores y fichajes se refiere dentro de la liga mx y el futbol mexicano 2021.
Hoy hablaremos de jj macias y su llegada a getafe, chivas, pumas, tigres, xolos, america y más.

#JesusBernal #LigaMX #FutbolMexicano

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